Casper xoxo 2011 rapidshare

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Casper decides to go with a new name: Casper the Friendly Ghost. My problems lean more towards the story than it's affect, since this is a direct-to-video feature, I can forgive it's affects for not being as good as the original.The story is what really brings the film down for me. It certainly isn't as good as the original film, but I don't think it's overall bad, at least it's villain is more memorable as oppose to the one in the original. Chris Carson is a kid with an overactive imagination.

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Steve Guttenberg Lori Loughlin Brendon Ryan Barrett. As I said before, the confrontation with him in the end is underwhelming and as for his sidekick Snivel, he was okay, but he does come across as annoyance at times.The Ghostly Trio are just as fun as they are in the original, but they don't have as much screen time this time around.